Anyway, prom was last night and it seems as though I've been preparing for it for ages, but as if it was over really quickly. I ordered my dress in January, booked my makeup and nails in April, hair beginning of the year, got jewellery a month before and bought the flowers for my hair the day before.... So maybe I wasn't completely organised, but GCSEs were A LOT of hard work okay?
Don't get me wrong though, prom was really good. It was amazing to see everyone dressed up and having a great time after all the stresses that exams bring. Also, the sweetest, kindest, most amazing and hilarious girl won Prom Queen, and you could tell that everyone was so happy for her. (Also, it's great to see someone so humble and down to earth to win Prom Queen and not your stereotypical barbie doll).
The picture at the top is one of me (blue dress), my sister (purple dress) and our friend (green dress), we went round to our friends house before prom for pictures, as she lives in the most AMAZING house with the most AMAZING garden, and seeming as our house isn't the most "exotic" it was great to go somewhere that felt like luxury. Also, the three of us turned up to prom together, in a BMW that our friend's dad ordered on the Monday before prom, and received on the day of. Just a little extra information, THE CAR IS OUT NEXT YEAR. Don't ask me how he bought it, but I take it he's quite an important guy.
But overall, prom was amazing and I kept my hair together until BLINK 182 CAME ON.... Then of course I lost control and allowed my hair to flow free. (It was all the small things that came on, so obviously that is permission to loose control and act like a seal on fire in the middle of the dance floor).
So seeming that it's 2:08am I am going to finish writing this and try and get some sleep (I swear my ears are still ringing from Friday night...)
Sweet Dreams,
steff xo